Combat Phase

We are joined this week by David Guymer (well, OK, he was at the end of the BL Weekender) to discuss Realmslayer (starring Brian Blessed as Gotrek!) and next week we’ll dive into Warhammer  Quest Blackstone Fortress in detail.

Direct download: Ep_266_-_Realmslayer_wDavid_Guymer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:18pm PDT

We go through the new 40K Codex: Orks. Chat some about our first games of Middle Earth and Titanicus this past week as well.

Join us next week to listen to an interview with David Guymer on his amazing audio drama with Brian Blessed as Gotrek, in Realmslayer, plus some upcoming goodies.


Direct download: Ep_265_-_Ork_Codex_Review.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm PDT

Ep 264 - Black Library Weekender 2018
Kenny is back from the Black Library Weekender (he made it!) and we sift through the massive news coming out of this week before discussing the BL Weekender, new and coming soon books, some highlights and then Michael from Track of Words joins Kenny to finish out coverage of the event. A rare sighting in the wild, Guy Haley was caught unawares and interviewed. Much more to come from Black Library in the weeks to come!
Realmslayer behind the scenes:
Direct download: Ep_264_-_Black_Library_Weekender_2018coverage.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:54am PDT

Ep 264 - Black Library Weekender 2018

Kenny is back from the Black Library Weekender (he made it!) and we sift through the massive news coming out of this week before discussing the BL Weekender, new and coming soon books, some highlights and then Michael from Track of Words joins Kenny to finish out coverage of the event. A rare sighting in the wild, Guy Haley was caught unawares and interviewed. Much more to come from Black Library in the weeks to come!
Realmslayer behind the scenes:
Direct download: Ep_264_-_Black_Library_Weekender_2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:50pm PDT