Combat Phase
We talk the megaload of news from Warhammer Fest in Europe last weekend and share our predictions for AoS, 40K and The Rest. Enjoy!
Direct download: Ep_255_Warhammer_Fest_News__Predictions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm PDT

We chat news and prep for our local event this weekend (which is why the episode is late…we were at the event) and play the long-overdue Josh Reynolds part 2 interview from May 2018—his 40K and Heresy books!  This is from when we had a slight echo but seems editing fixed 80% of that. (sorry).
Josh Reynolds @JMReynolds
Direct download: Ep_254_-_Josh_Reynolds_40K__Heresy_Books_Pt_2_from_May.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:56pm PDT

We get to have a fun discussion on "narrative" events and games and what that word implies for expectations as well as the numerous possibilities and benefits of trying a narrative event as a player or organizer. Enjoy!

Direct download: Ep_253_-_On_the_Topic_of_22Narrative22_Gaming.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:24am PDT

We talk Kill Team & Dan from AoS Shorts comes on to discuss his podcast and website. Next week: The "Narrative" discussion.


Direct download: Ep_252_Kill_Team__AoS_Shorts.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm PDT