Combat Phase

We talk news, Adepticon, hobby, games played and will be played, and discuss some still going Black Friday sales options for miniwargamers. Then we have a sudden surprise drop-in guest Adam (Voxxman) Tremblay from our favorite good-natured northern neighbor, Canada, to talk hobby inspirations from all walks of life. I mean, all!



Direct download: Ep_76_-_Hobby_Inspirations__Black_Friday_Sales.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33am PDT

We talk news, hobby and games played. Our conversation tonight is addressing the debate on when Kickstarter is no longer a Kickstarter. That is, has the function and use of KS turned into pre-sales and how is this affecting alternative model lines vs. self-contained games? We look at the evolution of mini wargaming with crowd funding and discuss where it is now, lessons learned, and predictions. Worry not; it's not all negative, some back and forth. 

Share your thoughts on your Kickstarter experiences with us on Facebook or Twitter.
Direct download: Ep_75_-_When_is_Kickstarter_no_longer_a_kickstarter.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm PDT

We talk news, hobby and games played. Kenny recaps quickly his team 40K tournament experience at GameHole Con then we are joined by Black Library author, Chris Wraight, to talk his fantasy, 40K and Horus Heresy Novels. Enjoy!

Direct download: Ep_74_-_Chris_Wraight__GameHole_Con.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:07pm PDT

We talk news, hobby, games played and Robert brings us up to speed on his amazing 24 hours of gaming marathon last week for Extra Life charity. Next we play the audio from David Guymer on his latest book for the Warhammer End Times: Kinslayer. Kenny has Glottkin at time of this posting but you'll have to wait until next week to hear about it, muhahaha!

Note: audio at beginning of Guymer interview was on old machine so there is a switch after about 5 minutes to much clearer and slightly louder audio, FYI. Don't abandon ship just yet.



Direct download: Ep_73_GF_Kinslayer__Extra_Life_Report.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm PDT