Combat Phase

Kenny was a tad tired, less of voice from shouting celebrations at Adepticon and the internet hated us so these edits should fix 97% of all that (I hope). We talk news then really Adepticon--news, notables, links and games played. GW seminars, AoS meetings and more.

Interviews are first the fabulous Mr. Eddie Eccles of Warhammer Community (the calmer bloke next to Rob :) ) with tons of great things to say, then Shapeways wins Kenny over, then the awesome retailer Landmine gifts us with his presence before Robert interviews Hyacinth Games. Links below, and as always, ENJOY!
GW 312 pics from event (scroll down for event calendar)
Direct download: Ep_189_-_Adepticon_news_recap_WH_Community__interviews.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22am PDT

We talk loads of GW news, hobby and games played. TL;dr: Adepticon prep panic final days. Kenny WON his first event, and with old/current pointed Fyreslayers! Robert's Malifaux pales in comparison.
Finally....while many of you make the trip to Chicago for Apdeticon please enjoy this interview with excellent author Peter Fehervari who discusses Genestealer Cults, Fire Caste, Mechanicus stuff and more.
Hachisnaxreads blog interview


Direct download: ep_188_-_Peter_Fehervari_Genestealer_Cults__Fire_Caste.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm PDT

We talk news, hobby, games played and then guests as Kenny prepares for Adepticon next week.

First (Stay in your lane!!!) Ryan from Radio Free Isstvan joins us to help Heresy fans make lists and play on the table. We range from those reading the books who are TT curious to 40K players dipping into 30K to existing players. It's not all about being competitive--this magnificent manly man can make your list do anything you desire. Check out their weekly Heresy show as well!
Then Ian St. Martin discusses his books, a baller 2016 advent Lucius the Eternal audio as we prep for his book Lucius the Faultless Blade coming later this year, with a fun and unique look into the mind of this immortal? degenerate and what we may expect.
Radio Free Isstvan -
Ian Sr. Martin @ianrunshispen 
Direct download: Ep_187_-_Lucius_wIan_st_Martin__Heresy_lists_wRyan_K.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:45pm PDT

We talk news, hobby and many games played (Apoc, AoS, Bolt Action). Robert takes us on a journey of 40K Gathering Storm 2: Fracture of Biel-Tan.


Direct download: Ep_186_-_Fracture_of_Biel-Tan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm PDT