Thu, 26 February 2015
We talk news and rumors, games played and hobby. As Kenny's voice goes out (yay!), Robert leads us in a discussion about using special characters in wargaming and how we make those decisions and how if affects our gaming experience.
The Wall o' Wonder RETURNS! Deadlands
Direct download: Ep_87_-_Special_Characters_in_Wargaming.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:03pm PDT |
Thu, 19 February 2015
Ep 86 - Warhammer Fantasy Book Club - End Times: Rise of the Horned Rat with Guy Haley
We trudge through the gloom of winter or rumors or some unholy combination of both to bring you the light of hobby. First, Blood Bowl! because, who doesn't love Blood Bowl? Then making his 3rd or 4th? appearance on the show is renown author Guy Haley to talk the 4th novel in the End Times main series as we continue. Rise of the Horned Rat fills in much of what the campaign book: Thanquol does not in great detail. Pick up the book in print or e-book format from Black Library, tear through it madly then join us for this club.
Direct download: Ep_86_-_WFB_Book_Club_End_Times_w_Guy_Haley_-_Rise_of_Horned_Rat.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:54pm PDT |
Sat, 14 February 2015
We talk news, lots of news across several games!, then hobby and games played. Robert leads our feature looking at a multitude of miniwargames based on licenses and some pros and cons and how this can grow the hobby with new blood. Enjoy! |
Fri, 6 February 2015
We are joined by our good-natured Canadian friend, Adam, of the soothing voiced profligate Canadian podcaster fame to talk why, given all the rumors and hate and internet rage, is (still) the best time to play Warhammer.
Direct download: Ep_84_-_Why_now_is_still_the_best_time_to_play_Warhammer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT |