Combat Phase
Vint is back to chat some new Blades of Khorne!
Check out all the great podcasts from The Mortal Realms and more at
Follow Kenny on Twitter if you don’t already for pics from Adepticon this week.
Direct download: Ep_371_-_Blades_of_Khorne.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22am PDT

Ken joins Kenny for the first on the show to review the new Hedonites of Slaanesh battletome, now on pre-order. The Temptation Phase of AoS just got a little more, er, well...spicy!


Direct download: Ep_370_-_Slaanesh.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:16am PDT

Dr. Lee joins us again to talk new Gloomspite Gitz and all the glorious, green mayhem! Then Black Library author, David Annandale, returns to chat about his Mortarion book in the Primarch series. Follow David on Mastodon at his account below.

With Adepticon coming up, we will be gone for a bit so 3-4 Battletome reviews are coming out within a few weeks of each other to tide you over.


Direct download: Ep_369_-_Gloomspite_Gitz__Mortarion_wDavid_Annandale.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm PDT

Steve Herner talks all about Holy Wars and has some exclusive insights into Holy Havoc and future Holy events. Congrats again to Kenny's teammate, Aaron, for winning the Hobby Hammer award! Check out the website with the event Twitter feed and more info. Also information for the Hesed House charity is included below for those of you who were unable to make it to a Holy event and would like to help out.

Direct download: Ep_368_-_Holy_Wars_2023_wSteve_Herner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:19am PDT