Combat Phase
We talk AoS 3.0 then an increasingly-stuffy Kenny is joined by Warhammer Hero Legend, Chuck Moore, to chat Daughters of Khaine. Enjoy!
Interview starts around 01.01.00 in.
Wargamer Shawn
Direct download: Ep_338_-_DoK_wChuck_Moore.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:33pm PDT

Curtis joins Kenny to share some first impressions of the AoS 3.0 FAQ which dropped the day of recording, talking Duardin and a lot of new potential.
Then BL author Richard Strachan returns to the show to talk his books, The End of Enlightenment and Warcry novels.
Interview with Richard Strachan starts around 0:42:45
Direct download: Ep_337_-_Lumineth__Warcry_wRichard_Strachan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:44pm PDT