Combat Phase

We're back after a week off while Shawn worshipped Nurgle's great porcelain temple. We discuss Slaanesh some as Kenny builds his new army for AoS & 40K then chat some thoughts about the wave of new FAQs for 40K which just dropped.





Direct download: Ep_240_-_New_FAQs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:08pm PDT

We talk about some exciting news before leading into our review of the latest 40K Codex release: Drukhari. Incidentally, Kenny’s Ryza 50 electro-priest army kicked an army full of bikes’ ass after recording :) Enjoy and engage with us on Facebook to geek out but also win free books! 
Direct download: Ep_239_-_Codex_Drukhari_Review.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:57am PDT

This week Gav Thorpe joins us for part 1 of his interview which discusses new and upcoming books or audios. Unfortunately the echo monster somehow reared its ugly head again so we've done the best to beat it down into submission.

Sorry. But it's OK. Do enjoy!


Direct download: Ep_238_Gav_Thorpe_New__Upcoming_Works.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:37am PDT