Tue, 22 November 2016
We talk news, hobby and games played. Kenny did Apocalypse,Robert played a variety of games. Lots of exciting news this week but most importantly, Kenny is finally joined by expert BL author, NY Times best-selling author Aaron Dembski-Bowden talking his writing style, old and recent books, the Master of Mankind coming to wide sale this weekend, what's coming up in the Black Legion series and more. Don't miss this long-awaited interview! (starts about 45 minutes in) Zach follows AD-B with an exciting conversation about the successful and now GW-sponsored London GT event (40 & 30K) coming in May. Enjoy! I know you will. @adembskibowden on twitter LGT - 30K portion by Greg @childoffang from The Imperial Truth podcast
Direct download: Ep_172_-_Aaron_Dembski-Bowden__his_worksupcoming_works.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm PST |
Thu, 17 November 2016
We talk news, hobby and games played. Then as Black Library Live begins today we chat with two authors who have works featured at the event--Laurie Goulding and Guy Haley--and for the rest of us geographically -challenged folk, we can watch the event on Warhammer TV. Enjoy!
@lauriegoulding @guyhaley Guy's fic https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=guy+haley www.blacklibrary.com https://www.facebook.com/WarhammerTVteam/?fref=ts
Direct download: Ep_171_-_Light_ofPharos_wLaurie_Goulding__Guy_Haley.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm PST |
Thu, 10 November 2016
Ep 170 - Tribute to AoS fic of Josh Reynolds We talk news, hobby and games played, a recap of Holy Havoc AoS team event. Then Alex joins Kenny from Norway and talks the fic of Josh Reynolds in AoS, a most prolific author. Enjoy! @darth_alec @jmreynolds tga.community
Direct download: Ep_170_-_Tribute_to_AoS_fic_of_Josh_Reynolds.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:14am PST |
Wed, 2 November 2016
We talks news, hobby and games played, then... NEW BLOOD BOWL reviewed! We discuss the new box contents, rules clarifications and presentation, plus play testing not only the game w/humans vs. orks in the box but also using existing teams using the living rulebook stats you'd have been using if playing over these past several years. Or the stats Warhammer World has put up for the Beard Cup. Bottom line: it's awesome and no reason you should not pick it up and start playing right away, even if you don't play humans or orcs. Why not enjoy until your team is resculpted and released? :) Enjoy!